At a Doctor visit the doctor obtains health information usually by taking a patient medical history, performing a physical Exam and then proceeding to treatment. If additional information is required then lab tests and imaging may be added. Each exam may vary depending on the particular patient history and the reason for the visit. The purpose of the history, physical exam, imaging and testing is to gather enough information to reach an accurate diagnosis. Once a diagnosis is arrived at then the doctor can determine what treatment, if any, is appropriate.

This recorded information from each visit becomes part of the patient’s Medical Record. Every patient is entitled to a copy of their medical records and should take that entitlement seriously. Each time you receive medical attention you should request a copy of those records and compile an ongoing record of your healthcare history. With this information the patient is able to participate in their own care as an informed participant, which usually leads to improved health outcomes. To achieve this you need to understand the medical reports and the purpose for each action as well as you can.

You should review your medical records and try your best to understand them. The parts that you do not understand will be explained to you as part of the service provided here. 

Treatment is the part of the Doctor – Patient interaction in which the patient can and should be involved the most because a lot of it is in their hands. Patients should be compliant with medication schedules and understand why each medication is needed and how they should be taken for best results. Medications will be dealt with more fully on a separate page.

The patient’s lifestyle choices can decrease or increase the influence of risk factors on their disease. Eg: Asthmatics should avoid smoking and Diabetics should avoid weight gain. Patients can monitor the progress of their disease. Eg: Diabetics should monitor their blood sugar levels and patients with high blood pressure should monitor their blood pressure daily to know if it is under control.

Patients should do research on their conditions and have discussions with their Doctors concerning ways to improve their treatment based on what they have read and how they feel after treatment. 

 The Doctor Office Visit